
Wednesday, June 26, 2013

my bad english show my sad life~

having a serious relationship is not in my plan!! it comes like heavy rain that we always wish especially when we are in a bad haze or bad dried for a long time..

A strong, healthy relationship can be one of the best supports in your life. Good relationships improve all aspects of your life, strengthening your health, your mind, and your connections with others.

However, if the relationship isn't working, it can also be a tremendous drain. Relationships are an investment.

Ladies out there, let practices (^_^) :

1. Extra Patient
2. Extra Tolerate
3. Trust/ honest (ask him when u wonder n guy please help her by telling her the truth before she knew by herself)
4. Good communication (communicate, listen)
5. accept (accept him/her who they are)
6. respect each other (respect everything: difference, right. background etc.)
7. commitment
8. support/encourage
10. think for each other
11. say sorry (please say sorry, it is a miracle word)

The more you put in, the more you can get back. May these tips help us to keep a healthy relationship strong, or repair trust and love in a relationship on the rocks.

Monday, October 1, 2012

kursus oh kursus..

Assalamualaikum semue...dah lame rasenye xberblogging nie...mcm bz je kan.huahuahua...em..arini rase mcm xde mood gile..nape di petang yg hening ni nak la conteng2 kat cini...[saje nak test skill typing..hehe]
Semalam pergi anta dak demok saye tu kursus. jauh pedalaman gak la..kul 12 lebih camtu dah gerak.pas lunch n isi minyak, kitorang pon memulakan journey to the segamat tuh...
Kete pon macam banyak je...tapi kali nie ktorang mengikut had kelajuan kebangsaan..ngeh2..sebab taknak kene saman lagiiii..[xlarat nak bayar, ade 2 lg tuh xbayar..agk2 pasni ade diskaun x?]
Tapi kan xsampai 30min perjalanan tibe2 je dah dekat Seremban..masa macam sangat mencemburui saye kan??huhuhu...
Pastuh xsampai bpe minit lg pon dah sampai ke Pedas Linggi tuhhh.....adusss....kenapa rase mcm jalan jadi pendek??hehe....
So mase tuh ktorang da nyanyi2 je dalam kete...nak cari channel mcm xbest je dengar jela mp3 tuhhhh.....
pastu jap je da nampak perkataan tangkak 23km..oh fast... (T_T)
emmmmmmmmmmm........dan selepas itu kami pon tibe di tol tangkak.....

Kuar je dari tol tangkak tu terus g toilet coz demok nak tukar baju 'outing' die tuhh..hehehe...die very look like mat terap...hahaha....

so after kak dila arrived, ktorang pon memulakan perjalanan ke Pulapol Segamat tuhh...mase tu ujan turn dengan mencurah2......
Kitorang g jalan2 dulu kat kawasan yg xde orang tuh..then singgah makan nasi lemak kt kedai akak muke mcm Shila Amzah tuhhh..........hehehehe..........

pas makan..kitorang pon g la Pulapol tuh..dah byk kete parking kt luar tuhh...ramai gak la geng2 die kat bkn geng die kot.mcm buat xkenal jer..huhu...

Pastu punye la lame die betulkan baju,beg segala..ujan time tu mcm da benti tapi start renyai2 balik...sian lak tgk die nak berjalan kaki ke dalam tuh..jauh bangat katenye..huhuhu....

Ktorang pon nak balik dah la kan.pastuhhh mcm sayu je ati nie nak tinggal die..adoi la...............

Monday, July 9, 2012

Floria 2012 ~

Hye u olss.....

arini nak cite pasal ape ek..? sabtu aritu around 8-9 pm, me n luv g FLORIA 2012..
i xpenah miss pon g floria tu taw...since mula2 FLORIA held kat Putrajaya ni...maybe 2008 kot..ntah ..xingat..tapi time tu i still study kt Puncak Perdana tu..hihi....

the reason i suke sgt g FLORIA tu cause event tu sgt best..a lot of flowers there.!!! n me toO become 1 of the flowerssss..........~ hehehe....

nOw dah ade fireworksss.... berdentum dentam n very ColOrful... sangat like firewOrks tu tapi bunyi nye tu wat i takut sket...kuat cangat...huhu..~

taPi pRoBlem nye car parking lar...huhu..gile jauhhhhhhh....xlarat nak menapak time nak balik tu tawu tak..~hehe

nothing much want to say..hope dis happiness long lasting...just like he said...i luv u forever n ever n ever...

my Wish...hope our luv long lasting till jannah....insyaAllah..(^_^)

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

:: My Birthday ::

Hari nie besday saye taw kawan-kawan..rase gembira bile ramai yang wish and bg adiah..[yg bg adiah tu sape lagi..geng saye yg havoc tu larr.., n surprise, kak muza pun gituu]..rase segan pon ade. dah tua rupenye i niee...hihi..

Harapan? emmm harapan saye sempena ulang tahun kelahiran yang ke 26 tahun ini tiada lain...harap kehidupan saya dan keluarga menjadi lebih baik dan bahagia di dunia dan di akhirat... (^____^)

Cinta? emmm..ini tahun kedua saya menyambut ulangtahun kelahiran bersama Demok saye tu..dan selama 2 tahun ini beliau menjadi orang pertama yang wish besday saye tuu..hopefully beliau ingat la kan sampai bile-bile...hehe.. korunk mesti nak tawu beliau bagi adiah ape kan??? jeng..jeng... >>> 1st year beliau dah bagi golden ring..hehe..terkejut taw... >>> 2nd year ni xtawu handphone Lumia 710 ku ini dah dijadikan adiah, so dah xde la kot...huhu..nothing much i want..just his love, his sincerity, his patient and him.. (^_*)

Moga Allah perkenankan doa-doa kalian semua yang wish tu...terima kasih ya Allah..

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

My Love ~

An empty street 
An empty house
A hole inside my heart
I'm all alone, the rooms are getting smaller
I wonder how

I wonder why I wonder where they are 
The days we had 
The songs we sang together 
Oh yeah

And oh my love 
I'm holding on forever
Reaching for a love that seems so far

So I say a little prayer
And hope my dreams will take me there
Where the skies are blue to see you once again
My love
Overseas from coast to coast
 To find the place I love the most
 Where the fields are green to see you once again
My love

I try to read
I go to work
 I'm laughing with my friends
But I can't stop to keep myself
From thinking
Oh no

I wonder how
 I wonder why
I wonder where they are
The days we had, the songs we sang together
Oh yeah

And oh my love I'm holding on forever
Reaching for the love that seems so far
So I say a little prayer
And hope my dreams will take me there
Where the skies are blue to see you once again
 My love

Overseas from coast to coast
 To find the place I love the most
Where the fields are green to see you once again
To hold you in my arms
To promise you my love
To tell you from my heart
You're all I'm thinking of
Reaching for the love that seems so far
So I say a little prayer
And hope my dreams will take me there
 Where the skies are blue to see you once again
My love

Overseas from coast to coast
 To find the place I love the most
Where the fields are green to see you once again
My love

Say a little prayer
Dreams will take me there
 Where the skies are blue to see you once again
Overseas from coast to coast
To find the place I love the most
Where the fields are green to see you once again
My love

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Jangan ada benci (T_T)

Andainya ada di antara kita nanti
Berubah hala serta janji
Jangan ada benci
Suka dan duka dilalui
Jadikan kenangan di sudut hati

Andainya cita-cita tidak kesampaian
Ikatan murni terputus di pertengahan
Jangan dikesalkan
Jangan lantaran kegagalan
Kita saling berdendam saling bermusuhan

Memusnahkan diri

Kita harus tabah dan bersedia
Cekal hadapi kemungkinan yang tiba
Kadangkala yang berlaku
Di luar kemahuan kau dan aku

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Mode: Mendapatkan kerja tetap bersesuaian dengan kelayakan~

Assalamualaikum....[versi Ustz kt Hotfm]

Ape khabar semue...[semue la sgt..mcm ade org bace jeee..hihi]

Hari ni hari isnin taw kawan-kawan....mud nk keje mcm xde mud ni telah bertukar kepada mud mencari kerja tetap dan mantop sket gajinye...[moga dipermudahkan...amin...]

bukan ape pembaca sekalian, tensen taw keje beria dari org yg keje tetap keje tetap pon relax lagiii [ pon confirm tetap...] hehe...

tapi sebenarnye rase terkilan dengan sektor kewangan diri sendiri yang tiada ape2 lagi ni...huhu..yg ade pon Mr.RB yg tersangat la disayangi, power dan hebat....huhu...

emm mane tak nye...dah la xde simpanan, elaun xde, simpanan KWSP pun xde...SOCSO pun xde...huhu..ape la nasib....(T_T)

tapi apepun saye masih bersyukur la sebab x mengelarkan diri ini penganggur least xmenyusahkan keluarga kan..[itu mmg moto aku dari kecik..mama yg ckp ek..huhu]

ok la semue...daa...jumpe lagi di sesi luahan akan datang..daaaa.....(#_*)